Design information comes from a DBR (Design brief report), also called as Design calculations, it shows the typical design codes, material specifications and other design information for Pre-Engineered Building in India and Nepal.
Design Information
▪ Applicable Design Codes
▪ Material Specifications
▪ Design Assumptions
▪ General Building Parameters
▪ Design Load Calculations
▪ Load Combinations
▪ Deflection Limits
▪ Anchor Bolt Design
The Pre-Engineered Building described in these calculations shall be designed according to the latest Design Codes that can been referred to in the design:
1. The loads as described in the Design Summary Sheet shall be applied on the structure in accordance with:
Design Wind Speed : As per IS 875: 2015 (Part-3)
Seismic Load : As per IS-1893 : 2016 (Part-1)
2. Hot rolled sections and built up components is designed as per IS:800-2007, using STAAD 3D Software Connect edition
3. Cold formed components are designed in accordance with IS 801-1975
4. Welding shall be applied in accordance with :
AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2020 “American Welding Society" Structural Welding Code - Steel Manual.
The following is the list of the material standards and specifications for which the building components shall be designed :
Sl. No |
Materials |
Specifications |
Grade |
1. |
Built-Up Members |
ASTM A572 Grade 50/ |
Fy= 345 MPa |
2 |
Hot Rolled Secondary Members |
IS-2062:E 250 |
Fy= 240 MPa |
3 |
Cold Formed Secondary Members |
ASTM A653 GR 50/ |
Fy= 345 MPa |
4 |
Sheeting Panels |
IS:15965/ AS 2728/ |
Fy= 300 Mpa & 550 MPa |
5 |
X-Bracing Members |
IS 2062- E250 |
Fy= 240 MPa |
6 |
Anchor Bolts |
ASTM F1554/ |
Fy= 240 MPa |
7 |
High Strength Bolts for Primary Connections (HSFG) |
ASTM F3125 Grade A325M |
Grade 8.8 |
8 |
Machine Bolts for Secondary Connection |
IS:1367 (Part Ⅲ) & IS 1363 |
Grade 4.6 |
1. The main frame rafters and exterior columns are rigidly connected to each other (using moment type connections).
2. All Sidewall columns are considered as Fixed base connection, all wind columns are considered as pinned base connection.
3. The lateral stability of the building is provided through the frame action of the main frames.
4. The longitudinal stability of the building is provided through the truss action in the braced bays of the building.
5. The roof purlins are continuous beams supported at rigid frame locations and span the bay spacing of the building.
6. The side wall girts are continuous beams supported at rigid frame location and span the bay spacing of the building.
7. The end wall girts are continuous beams supported at end wall column location and span the end wall column spacing.
Design Load Calculations(omit) Load Combinations(omit) Deflection Limits(omit) Anchor Bolt Design(omit) |